About Me:

PhD Computer Science Information Technology Engineering Data Sceince Machine Learning Timeseries analysis Python Data Crawling Data analysis Data Visualization Data Modeling Tensorflow Keras SKlearn Pandas matplotlib ...


My research topic is "Applications of Machine Learning techniques in Networked Systems" including internet traffic and online social networks.

Network traffic forecasting (In progress...) :

Forecasting and characterizing network traffic time-series using statistical (SARIMA) and deep learning (LSTM) prediction techniques.

  • S Jamshidi, R Rejaie, W Willinger, R Durairajan (2020) On the Practicality of Learning Models for Network Telemetry Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis (TMA) Conference [Finalzing Camera Ready Version]

Incentivized online reviews:

Assement of quality, deviation from normal behavior, and effect of incentivized reviews on Amazon.com

  • Jamshidi, S., Rejaie, R., & Li, J. (2018, August). Trojan Horses in Amazon's Castle: Understanding the Incentivized Online Reviews. In 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (pp. 335-342). IEEE. [Read it here] or [Here]

  • Jamshidi, S., Rejaie, R., & Li, J. (2019). Characterizing the dynamics and evolution of incentivized online reviews on Amazon. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9(1), 22. [on Springer] or [Read it from here]

Social Network Analysis:

Researching on Multi Resolution Analysis of Huge Social Networks as a member of Oregon Network Research Group, ONRG.

  • R Motamedi, S Jamshidi, R Rejaie, W Willinger (2018) Examining the evolution of the Twitter elite network. Social Network Analysis and Mining 10 (1), 1. [Read it from here]

Social Network Analysis and Fraud Detection:

Proposing a data enrichment scheme that concentrates on using social network analysis to provide information that is hidden in the relations among the system's entities as well as presenting an efficient method to update the social network connections.

  • Jamshidi, S., & Hashemi, M. R. (2012, November). An efficient data enrichment scheme for fraud detection using social network analysis. In 6th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST) (pp. 1082-1087). IEEE. [on IEEE] or [Read it from here]


Web development:

persian Question answering Education is one side of the coin. I'm also interested in web site development so I developed the first p2p Question-Answer website in Persian language, Soja.ir, in 2009 during my B.Sc. program which is now one of the most popular Persian Q&A websites.

I have developed a couple of conference web sites ( PAM2020, ICEE2012 - IPG2012-13) and also developed a complete conference management system in Persian which was used by different academic conferences during 2012-2014.

Photography: my shots on Instagram

My Resume

Please check out my linkedIn profile

Contact Me

Any suggestion, idea, or feedback on my research projects, photos, or my website? send me an email:

{Last Name} @ cs.uoregon.edu